How to Remove an Amazon Hijacker and Protect Your Brand

Selling on Amazon can be a lucrative venture, but it also comes with its fair share of challenges. One significant challenge many Amazon sellers face is dealing with hijackers who try to piggyback on their product listings. Hijackers can harm your brand's reputation, steal your sales, and create customer service nightmares. In this blog post, we will guide you through the steps to remove an Amazon hijacker and protect your brand.

 Identify the Hijacker

The first step in removing a hijacker is to identify them. Visit your Amazon product listing and check the "Other Sellers on Amazon" section. If you see a seller offering the same product at a lower price or using your product listing without your permission, you've likely found the hijacker.

Contact the Hijacker

Before taking more aggressive measures, it's a good idea to try reaching out to the hijacker. Politely ask them to cease their activities on your listing and provide evidence of your ownership of the product. You can do this through the Amazon messaging system or find contact information on their seller profile.

Use Amazon's Reporting System

If the hijacker Amazon doesn't respond or refuses to cooperate, it's time to report them to Amazon. Follow these steps:

 a. Log in to your Seller Central account.

b. Go to the "Help" section and select "Contact Us."

c. Choose the issue type: "Report a violation."

d. Select "Product detail page issue" and then "Someone else is selling my product."

e. Provide all the necessary information and evidence, such as invoices, images, or trademark registration, to prove your ownership of the product.

File a Cease and Desist Letter

You can also send a cease and desist letter to the hijacker, demanding that they stop selling your product on Amazon. Be sure to include all the relevant details, including your contact information, a description of the infringement, and a clear request for them to remove their listing.

Utilize Amazon's Brand Registry

If you're a brand owner, consider enrolling in Amazon's Brand Registry program. This program offers additional tools and resources to protect your brand on Amazon, including the ability to more effectively remove unauthorized sellers.

Monitor Your Listings

To prevent future hijacking attempts, regularly monitor and remove hijacker Amazon listings. Consider using automated tools or services that can help you keep an eye on your product listings and alert you to any unauthorized sellers.

Take Legal Action

If all else fails, you may need to take legal action against the hijacker. Consult with an attorney experienced in e-commerce and intellectual property law to explore your legal options.

Dealing with Amazon hijackers can be frustrating, but by following these steps, you can take proactive measures to protect your brand and remove unauthorized sellers from your product listings. Remember that prevention is key, so continue monitoring your listings and staying vigilant to ensure the long-term success of your Amazon business.

The Inside Scoop on Amazon Hijackers: What They Are and How to Deal with Them

Selling products on Amazon is a fantastic way to reach a vast audience and grow your business. However, this e-commerce giant also has its fair share of challenges, and one of the most frustrating is dealing with Amazon hijackers. In this blog post, we'll delve into what Amazon hijackers are, how they can harm your business, and most importantly, how to effectively deal with them.

Why Are Amazon Hijackers a Problem?

1.    Loss of Control: Hijackers can manipulate your product listings, changing prices, product descriptions, and even images. This can confuse and disappoint your customers.

2.    Erosion of Brand Trust: If hijackers provide poor-quality products or subpar customer service, it reflects poorly on your brand, potentially leading to negative reviews and lasting damage to your reputation.

3.   Lost Revenue: Hijackers siphon off sales that should rightfully belong to you, resulting in financial losses for your business.

4.   Intellectual Property Violations: Hijackers often sell counterfeit or infringing products, violating your intellectual property rights.


Amazon hijackers are a persistent challenge for sellers, but with the right strategies and persistence, you can effectively deal with them. Amazon hijackers registering your brand, monitoring your listings, and taking appropriate actions, you can safeguard your business's reputation, revenue, and intellectual property rights in the world of Amazon e-commerce. Stay vigilant and proactive to ensure the continued success of your Amazon venture.



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